As a Councillor I was very active in the local community to ensure I was able to represent and advocate for the community as well-informed as possible. The following is a list of some of my activities in a 11 month period on council (not including Council meetings, briefings, meetings with Council’s CEO and Directors, etc):
Newport Senior Citizens Group;
Altona Gate Shopping Centre Management;
Brooklyn Resident Action Group;
Hobsons Bay Men’s Shed;
Noordenne Residents Group;
Italian Social Club, Altona North;
Delegation of traders from Hudsons Road, Spotswood;
Joseph’s Corner;
Individual residents on a range of issues such as upgrades to local reserves;
Mayor of Cairns and visited Cairns Regional Council (Self paid);
Victoria Police, Youth Services and Hobsons Bay Blue Light Disco;
Hobsons Bay Residents Association;
Bendigo Bank;
Altona City Theatre;
Jill Hennessy MP;
Seaholme Primary School;
Youth Services regarding possible Blue Light Disco in Altona;
Hobsons Bay Maltese Association;
Spotswood Traders;
Westbourne Grammar’s Annual Concert;
Altona Historical Homestead open day;
Powercor Buloke Business Excellence Awards Gala Presentation;
GLBTIQ Advisory Committee Meeting;
Mobile Customer Service Program, Pier Street Altona;
Williamstown High School Centenary Theatre Fund;
Dinner with the Altona Fishing and Angling Club;
Launch of the “Say ‘No’ to Homophobia” campaign at Parliament House;
Unveiled the new mosaic artwork at Somers Parade Kindergarten;
Spoke at Hobsons Bay Youth Forum 2012;
Held Environment Day as part of Mayoral Program;
Welcome Ceremony for 2012 Anjo Students at Bayside P-12;
Department of Education and Early Childhood Development DVD Launch;
Joseph’s Corner Thank You Luncheon;
All Aboard Club’s 75th Celebration;
Arabic Women’s Pre Ramadan Conference;
Association of Bayside of Municipalities;
Customer Service Mobile Program in Williamstown;
Complete Family Care Re-Opening;
Youth Leadership Graduation Ceremony;
Mobile Customer Service Program, Altona Gate;
National Tree Day (Altona North and Altona Meadows);
Celebrations Altona;
Spoke at NAIDOC Week Raising of the Flag Ceremony;
Spoke at the Victorian Multi Cultural Conference;
Spoke at the Anjo, Japan Student Welcome Reception;
Spoke at the Laverton Time Capsule Event;
Spoke at the Hobsons Bay Early Years Conference;
Visited Yarrabah Council, Cairns;
Chaired Citizenship Ceremonies;
Altona City Soccer Club;
Williamstown Chamber of Commerce;
Hobsons Bay Maltese Association;
Supt Peter Bull from the North Western Metro Region;
Youth Citizen of the Year;
Men’s Shed Open Day;
TS Voyager Annual Unit Assessment (Williamstown);
ALGA Conference;
Crashendo group rehearsal at Laverton P-12 College;
Hobsons Bay interagency networking meeting;
Lions Club of Altona Changeover dinner;
Spoke at the Brooklyn Federation Trail Celebration;
Spoke at Refugee Week Celebrations;
Spoke at the Crashendo Concert at Laverton P-12 College;
Presented awards at the Hobsons Bay Meals on Wheels Celebration;
Chaired Junior School Council;
Visited Cooraminta Kindergarten, Laverton;
Newport Islamic Group;
Brooklyn Residents Action Group;
Lois Joel Arts Centre;
Point Cook Action Group;
Maltese Bocci Club;
Melbourne Queer Film Festival;
Williamstown Visitor Information Centre;
South Kingsville Community Centre – Cooking with all Abilities;
St Martin de Porres Primary School in Laverton;
Parents of Children with a Disability;
Maltese Association of Hobsons Bay Mother’s Day Lunch;
Finnish Friendly Visiting Service 15 Year Anniversary Celebration;
Tour of the Sea Shepherd in Williamstown;
Mobile Customer Service Program in Spotswood;
Official Opening of the Williamstown Cricket Ground;
Yooralla UCAN Event as part of Governor General’s visit;
Brooklyn Residents Reference Group;
Altona Loop Action Group Meeting;
Street SmART Art Auction in Laverton;
Spoke at the Pixel 8 Awards;
Spoke at the Art in Public Places Wrap Up/Awards Night;
Spoke at the Altona North Children’s Centre 20th Birthday Celebration;
Spoke at the International Day Against Homophobia (City of Port Phillip);
Raised HBCC’s Rainbow Flag for IDAHO;
Chaired Junior School Council;
LGMA National Congress;
Altona Hockey Club;
Mobil CEO;
Toyota CEO;
Evolve re: Port Phillip Woollen Mills;
Williamstown Chamber of Commerce;
Inside Edge regarding Altona Facilities Feasibility;
Otway Partners regarding Precinct 15;
Jill Hennessy, MLA for Altona;
Members of the Hobsons Bay Community Fund;
Residents to discuss 99 Queen Street;
Mobile Customer Service Program – Aviation Road, Laverton;
Altona Lions Market;
Hobsons Bay Community Fund Meeting;
Fell Reserve, Seaholme Consultation meeting;
Meeting regarding Spotswood Pub;
Official Re-Opening of The Rex Theatre, Charlton;
Woods Street Art Space;
Community Grants Committee meeting;
MAV Councillor Development Weekend;
Presented and spoke at the Hobsons Bay Young Citizen of the Year Awards;
Participated in the Rainbow Family Forum Session;
Participated in the ‘Meet Your GLBTIQ Neighbours’ session in Wyndham;
Visited Altona Meadows Primary School;
Visited the Williamstown Cricket Ground and Williamstown Library;
Visited the Williamstown Senior Citizens Club;
Judged Art in Public Places;
Joy FM Radio Spot;
Hobsons Bay Libraries;
Ron Walker (Evolve) re: Port Phillip Woollen Mills;
Friends of Williamstown & Newport Libraries Summer Writing Awards Night;
Signcraft CEO;
The Project (Ch 10);
Burbank Homes CEO;
Newport Traders Association;
Hobsons Bay Community Bank Defibrillator for Life Project Launch;
Sisters of Saint Joseph;
Buloke Shire Visit;
Andrew Elsbury MLC;
Hobsons Bay Altona Garden Club;
Newport Mosque with Victoria Police;
Mayor of Wyndham;
Westgate Entertainment Centre;
Australian Paralympics Olympic Committee Member;
Joy FM Radio Interview;
Relay for Life in Altona;
Australian Coastal Councils Conference;
Men’s Shed Meeting;
Disability Committee Forum as part of Mayoral Program;
Western Suburbs Disability Advisory Forum;
Official opening of Seabrook Community Centre & Kindergarten;
Francis Sullivan Kindergarten Fundraising Event;
Williamstown Rotary Club Meeting;
VECCI’s Business Leaders information session;
Japanese Consulate General’s memorial ceremony for the anniversary of Japanese Earthquake victims;
Altona Beach Festival;
Chaired Junior School Council;
Inspected the Williamstown Town Hall works;
Presented Food Safety Awards;
Launched Art in Public Places;
Judged the Mayor’s Choice Award (part of Altona Beach Festival) at Louis Joel Arts Centre;
Media Launch at Logan’s Reserve for WiFi as part of Mayoral Program;
Lead West;
Moonee Valley Traffic School;
Migrant Resource Centre;
“Every Australian Counts”;
Able Engineering;
Arabic Women’s Group;
Salvation Army;
Altona Little Athletics;
SKM Recycling;
PAZ Group;
St John’s Ambulance;
Minister for Planning, Matthew Guy MP;
BAE Systems;
Emergency relief and food security project at St Stephens, Williamstown;
Commemorative Service in honour of the Darwin Bombing Victims;
Altona Cricket Club’s 50th Anniversary Dinner;
Launch of the National Year of Reading;
Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week event by the Lions Club of Altona and the Police Community Consultative Committee;
Official reopening of the Williamstown Uniting Church;
Lions Club of Altona 1000th Meeting;
Wyndham City Council Mayor;
Disability Advisory Committee;
Williamstown Chamber of Commerce and the manager of Arts, Events and Tourism;
Residents from the Noordenne Estate, Seaholme and representatives from the Altona City Soccer Club;
Save Williamstown Group and senior Planning Department personnel;
Herald Sun;
Movies by the Bay;
Dog’s Breakfast;
Summer Sounds concert;
Mobile Customer Service Program;
Australia Day Breakfast and Citizenship Ceremony;
Australia Day celebration;
Go West events:
Spoil Yourself Wellbeing Workshop;
Sailing Day (Altona Yacht Club);
Croquet; and
Stories from the city, stories from the sea.
If you want a hard working Councillor, vote for Tony Briffa in accordance with my How to Vote card.