It’s been an honour serving as Mayor of the City of Hobsons Bay for another term. As the level of government closest to the community, I love supporting families, community groups, businesses, schools, elderly and disabled people, young people, multicultural and faith communities, indigenous people and LGBTIQA+ people. While it is disappointing local government has become the target of conspiracy theorists, people against trans, non-binary and intersex people, and people attacking councils for their self interests, it’s been especially satisfying being Mayor during this time to help counter this negativity.
In addition to the usual work a mayor does, I was pleased to have put together a Mayoral Program that focused on the following areas:
- Celebrating the diversity and community spirit of Hobsons Bay;
- Greater community voice and opportunities to participate in Council activities;
- Strengthening the relationship between Council and the Victorian and Australian governments;
- Stronger connections and purposeful engagement with the business community, sister cities, members of parliament and neighbouring councils;
- Promoting awareness of First Nations people through Council’s relationship with the Bunurong Land Council Aboriginal Corporation, the Yarrabah Aboriginal Shire Council friendship alliance and exploring support for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament; and
- Making Hobsons Bay a greener, more environmentally proactive and liveable city.
The council was presented with reports about my Mayoral Program during the year which are available here:
- Mayoral Program Report 7 February 2023
- Mayoral Program Report 9 May 2023
- Mayoral Program Report 12 September 2023
- Mayoral Program Report 10 November 2023
As a proud member of the LGBTIQA+ community and longstanding LGBTIQA+ human rights advocate, I am pleased to have included a program of activities and events to support the LGBTIQA+ community in my Mayoral Program. I am extremely grateful to the LGBTIQA+ Community Liaison Group and Council “Pride Squad” for their amazing work, and for the support from my Councillor colleagues and the administration. The Western Rainbow Awards were especially significant, and celebrated LGBTIQA+ work being done across the Melbourne’s Western Region. The awards culminated in a celebratory event at the Williamstown Town Hall on 6 October that was kindly attended by prominent members of Victoria’s LGBTIQA+ community including the Victorian Commissioner for LGBTIQA+ Communities, Todd Fernando, and the Victorian Commissioner for Equality, Ro Allen.
At the Western Rainbow Awards night I announced I won’t be seeking re-election at the 2024 council elections. I’m grateful to the community for their overwhelming support at four council elections and through two terms as Mayor and three as Deputy Mayor, and feel the time is right for me to look at other ways I can make a contribution while allowing for some renewal in the Council Chamber.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help you with any local issues, if you have some feedback (constructive criticism is welcome!) or if you’re an LGBTIQA+ person and would like a chat.
Kind wishes,
Cr Antoinette (Tony) Briffa JP
- Councillor, City of Hobsons Bay (Elected 2008, 2012, 2016 & 2020)
- Mayor, City of Hobsons Bay (Elected 2011 & 2022)
- Deputy Mayor, City of Hobsons Bay ((Elected 2009, 2010 & 2017)
- Member, Victorian Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel 2023
- Justice of the Peace (Victoria)
- Co-Chair, Victorian Government’s Intersex Expert Advisory Committee
- Member, Victorian LGBTIQ Taskforce
- Patron, Equality Australia
- Pride Ambassador, Victorian Pride Centre
- Vice-Chair, Intersex Human Rights Australia (former Co-Executive Director)
- Honorary Fellow, Victoria University
- Honorary Life Member, Hobsons Bay Maltese Association
- Bail Justice (Victoria) Retired
- Former President, Intersex Peer Support Australia
- Former Intersex Chair, ILGA World (International LGBTI Association)
- Former Board Secretary, ILGA World (International LGBTI Association)
- Awarded Outstanding 50 LGBTI+ Leaders 2017
- Awarded MAV Local Government Fellowship 2009 (Human Rights)