Making Council Accessible

As a Councillor, Deputy Mayor and Mayor, my main focus was to give the community a voice and to provide leadership to the council and community.  I often spoke about integrity, values, openness and transparency, but rather than just speak about them, I made sure I walked the walk.

As a Councillor it is important that all my actions and decisions are open and transparent.  I am pleased to have therefore introduced the following policies to the Hobsons Bay City Council:

(a) Council meetings are recorded and podcast on the council website within 24 hours;

(b) Councillor expenses are regularly made publicly available on the council website; and

(c) Matters are only considered in camera when absolutely necessary, and even then they are to be reviewed and made public once the reason for the confidentiality no longer applies.

I was very disappointed with a number of decisions made by the council behind closed doors and without any community consultation.  Incredibly most of the other councillors – including those who talk about “values” and “integrity” – were happy to support that process.  I will always speak out in support of what is right and what is in the best interests of our community. 

As a Councillor I also ensured I regularly consulted with the community and informed the community what I was doing via twitter, facebook, this website and my regular email newsletter “Community Update”.  I was also regularly available to meet with local community groups, individuals and business owners/operators.

Vote for me as per my how to vote cardif you want this level of representation, openness, transparency, integrity and communication.