VCAT Approves Contaminated Soil Facility

VCAT has approved a facility in Altona that will result in contaminated soil from around Victoria being transported to Altona for treatment.  The EPA supported the application, although the council opposed it.

I have opposed this application for the last 4 years and am extremely disappointed by the decision.  Clearly politicians don’t understand facilities like this should not be permanently located near homes – and on the doorstep of the largest growing residential area in Australia.  It doesn’t make sense.

I thank the thousands of residents that signed petitions by the Hobsons Bay Residents Association to oppose this facility.  I am sorry we weren’t able to stop it.

The community will now have to consider what steps we take next and how this facility, if it is built, is going to be monitored.  As if we don’t have enough issues with dust from industry already.

The full VCAT decision can be accessed here:

P677 2012 P1723 2011 Innova Soil Technology v Hobsons Bay CC