VCAT Approves Contaminated Soil Facility

VCAT has approved a facility in Altona that will result in contaminated soil from around Victoria being transported to Altona for treatment.  The EPA supported the application, although the council opposed it.

I have opposed this application for the last 4 years and am extremely disappointed by the decision.  Clearly politicians don’t understand facilities like this should not be permanently located near homes – and on the doorstep of the largest growing residential area in Australia.  It doesn’t make sense.

I thank the thousands of residents that signed petitions by the Hobsons Bay Residents Association to oppose this facility.  I am sorry we weren’t able to stop it.

The community will now have to consider what steps we take next and how this facility, if it is built, is going to be monitored.  As if we don’t have enough issues with dust from industry already.

The full VCAT decision can be accessed here:

P677 2012 P1723 2011 Innova Soil Technology v Hobsons Bay CC

Art in Public Places

Art in Public Places is an annual event in Hobsons Bay, featuring lots of local artists exhibiting their works at more public venues across our wonderful municipality.  This program aims to encourage and create partnerships between local artists, cultural groups and businesses right across the city.

This year’s program is the biggest yet with plenty of events happening across Hobsons Bay, as well as a number of temporary public art installations that are taking place in surprise locations across the city.

Art in Public Places runs until Sunday, 5th May.


Migrant Experiences in Hobsons Bay

To celebrate the diversity of Hobsons Bay, the Libraries in partnership with the Community Development Department have been working on a Journeys to Australia project, collecting stories about migrant experiences, first impressions of Australia and adapting to a new country and culture. The idea of the project came from the Greek Anamnisis Exhibition held at the Louis Joel Community Centre in 2011. The Journeys to Australia –From one home to another book was launched by Wetlands Ward Councillor Colleen Gates on Harmony Day 21st March. We are hoping this book will provide an opportunity for people to talk to each other and build greater understanding of diversity within our community.

Journeys to Australia – From one home to another book is a  collection of 68 inspiring and unique stories collected from residents of Hobsons Bay who migrated to Australia between 1950 and 2012 or were born to migrant parents. They came by ship as part of the wave of European migration, by plane to be reunited with family, took the risk for a better life or more recently arrived as refugees, after living many years in refugee camps. Their stories give us an insight into a migrant and refugee journey, adapting to a new country and a new home. All share the common experience of leaving one home to come to another. These stories are sometimes funny, sometimes touching but all are engaging, insightful and to be celebrated.

The book is for sale for just $5 from any Hobsons Bay Libraries’ branch.

Note:  One of my many uncles is in this book!

Intervention Order Granted Against Stalker (3 April 2013)

I am pleased and relieved the Sunshine Magistrates’ Court today issued an Intervention Order to protect me from a person that has been harassing and stalking me for the last 18 months.  The Intervention Order expires on 3 April 2018.

The accused person contacted me and the council offices many times over the last 18 months and repeatedly abused and threatened me. He also repeatedly abused me on my official FaceBook page and said things against me purely because he made assumptions about my sex, sexual orientation and gender identity.  His calls were so abusive I felt unsafe at council meetings and public events during my term as Mayor, resulting in the council administration and I reviewing ways to improve my personal safety.

In his calls the accused made many homophobic and transphobic comments and threatened to “get me”. No one should put up with that sort of inappropriate behaviour. There is no place for homophobia in society and the decision of court today shows people can do something about it.

As an Community Champion for the “Say ‘No’ To Homophobia Campaign”, I urge anyone experiencing harassment, bullying and other inappropriate behaviours based on their sex, sexual orientation or gender identity to speak out and seek support.

I thank Victoria Police for their assistance in this matter, in particular their Gay and Lesbian Liaison Officers who were extremely supportive and brought this matter to the court.

The Intervention Order (see below) includes a number of conditions, including that he is not to:

1. Stalk the protected person;
2. Commit prohibited behaviour towards the protected person (including harassing);
3. Attempt to locate, follow the protected person or keeping the protected person under surveillance;
4. Publish on the internet, by email or other electronic communication any material about the protected person;
5. Contact or communicate with the protected person by any means;
6. Approach or remain within 5 metres of the protected person;
7. Go to or remain within 200 metres of or another place where the protected person lives or works; and
8. Get another person to do anything the respondent must not do under this order.
For more information about the Say ‘No’ to Homophobia Campaign (which includes Biphobia and Transphobia), visit

For more information about my life as an intersex person, visit (in the “additional information” section)

Intervention Order BRIFFA 3Apr13 REDACTED

Sponsorship for young people participating in sports championships

If you are a young person (or a parent of a young person) aged between 12 and 18 years and need financial assistance towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment to participate in a state, national or international sporting championship, then the Australian Sports Commission may be able to help!

Note:  The Commission also has other grants for sports leadership, women in sports, and others.  Please visit their website for more information.

When should you apply?

Applications should be submitted once you have been selected to attend the championships and your participation has been confirmed.  Applications submitted 6 months or more in advance of the competition may be moved into the following round of assessment at the discretion of the ASC.  You must submit your application online before the commencement date of the championships. Applications will not be considered if lodged after the commencement of the championships and the online application will not allow applicants to apply after the championships have commenced. Saved applications must be completed and submitted prior to the championships commencing to be eligible.

What is the value of the individual and team grants?

Grants of $500 are available for successful individual applicants, and $3000 for successful team applications.

What are the grants intended for?

Grants can contribute towards the cost of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment for your participation at the nominated championships.

Synthetic Sports Surfaces in Hobsons Bay

The council is looking for feedback on our draft Synthetic Sports Surfaces Feasibility Study.

The Synthetic Sports Surfaces Feasibility Study – Executive Summary contains:

  • A set of Principles to guide future decision making with respect to the provision and management of synthetic sports surfaces.
  • An Implementation Plan detailing specific recommendations to help the Council achieve the overall objective of this study.

If you are a member of a local club – Athletics, Hockey, Cricket Club, Football, Soccer, Tennis, etc – please let the council know what you think.  Do you envisage the need for a synthetic ground or track for your club?

Comments will be received until 10 April.


Altona Beach Festival 2013

The annual Altona Beach Festival will take place on Saturday 23rd March 2013.  Put it in your diary and bring your family and friends.  It’s sure to be a great day with lots of free activities, live music, fireworks, the street parade, and lots more!



Council Meeting – 26 February 2013

Council meetings returned to the Council Chambers in Altona this week.  Here is an update on the main topics discussed:


Councillor Question Time
I asked a number of questions regarding the new seaweed collection process, the Special Planning Committee meeting to consider the application for a 4 storey residential development on the corner of Merton and Queen Streets, Altona Meadows, and power outages in Altona North.


6.1.2  Senate Air Quality Inquiry
Air quality is a significant health and amenity issue for parts of Hobsons Bay, particularly with odours, dust and noise from industrial areas in Brooklyn and Altona North.  At my request, the council administration put together a draft submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs for their Inquiry into the impacts on health of air quality in Australia.  Refer –

I moved the draft report be accepted and submitted to the Senate Committee, and am pleased the motion was unanimously supported by my councillor colleagues.  The council administration also undertook to present to the Senate Committee if they have public hearings in Melbourne.

Note:  The Maribyrnong City Council and Brimbank City Council also lodged submissions to the Senate Committee, and I lodged one as a councillor for Altona and Brooklyn.
6.1.3  Request for Street Name Change – Altona Meadows
The council was asked via a petition to change the name of a street in Altona Meadows that was unfortunately named after a local priest by the former City of Werribee.  The priest, as it turns out, was later charged with two counts of indecent assault on two brothers, for which he pleaded guilty.   He was to stand trial for other abuse allegations but died before the committal hearing.

The council administration “consulted” with the local residents about a possible change to the street name, but of the 30 responses, 21 (70%) opposed a change, and only 9 (30%) supported it.  I think if the council called a local meeting and engaged properly with the local residents about the issue and suitable alternatives (including alternate street names and assistance with the burden of changing documentation etc), I think the outcome would have been different.

That said, I had to make a difficult decision – agree with the majority of residents in the street and vote against a name change, or make a principled decision about the suitability of a street being named in honour of a criminal.  I voted for a change to the street name.  I hope the residents in the street understand why I voted this way and am very happy to meet with any of them if they want to talk about it.


6.4.2  Proposed Increase to VCAT fees
The State Government proposed some obscene increases to VCAT fees recently, including fees for hearings involving objectors increasing from the current fee of $38 to over $1,000 by 2015. I requested that the council lodge a submission to the Department of Justice to oppose the fee hike, and am pleased the council unanimously endorsed the submission at the council meeting on Tuesday night.

It’s obvious these increases will make objecting to inappropriate developments out of reach for many residents, hence limiting and people’s access to the justice system.


6.4.3  Burns Road Industrial Estate
The Hobsons Bay Industrial Land Management Strategy 2008 identified the Burns Road Industrial Estate as a core industrial area, and included an objective to facilitate the restructure of the Estate subdivision so that it supports further industrial growth.  It’s pleasing the council is finally taking the first steps to see this realised, but it’s going to be a long process.

The council will now take a number of steps and will write to all the landholders to advise them what we’re going to be doing.  I am also pleased the council will be considering using all or part of the rates obtained from the Burns Road Estate to fund the necessary planning work that needs to be done for this area.


Human Rights & Anti-discrimination Bill 2012

The Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee released its report following considerable consultation about the Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination Bill 2012 and I am very pleased with the recommendations regarding intersex people.  I just hope the Parliament passes this Bill before the election and not deliberately make it a point of debate in the election – especially as the Bill has in principle support from all parties.

Here are the key recommendations regarding intersex:

Intersex status
7.16 The committee received considerable evidence regarding the coverage of intersex status in the Draft Bill. The committee recognises that intersex individuals are often the subject of discrimination in public life, and that as such there is a need for protection on the basis of intersex status in Commonwealth anti-discrimination law.

7.17 The committee agrees with the evidence presented by Organisation Intersex International Australia, and other submitters, that intersex status is a matter of biology rather than gender identity, and as such should not be covered within the definition of gender identity in the Draft Bill. Further, the committee considers that the current requirement in the Draft Bill that intersex individuals identify as either male or female is misguided, and is unhelpful for intersex individuals whose biological characteristics do not necessarily accord with a male or female identification.

7.18 The committee considers, therefore, that intersex status should be listed as a separate protected attribute under the Draft Bill. The committee notes comprehensive evidence from witnesses that the definition of ‘intersex’ found in the Tasmanian Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2012 most accurately provides coverage for intersex individuals. The committee supports this definition as the preferred option for inclusion in the final form of the Commonwealth legislation.

7.19 As a concluding point, the committee is of the view that since intersex status is a condition related to the innate biological characteristics of an individual, it should not be an attribute to which any religious exceptions apply.

Recommendation 2
7.21 The committee recommends that subclause 17(1) of the Draft Bill be amended to include ‘intersex status’ as a protected attribute. ‘Intersex’ should be defined in clause 6 of the Draft Bill as follows:
intersex means the status of having physical, hormonal or genetic features that are:
(a) neither wholly female nor wholly male; or 
(b) a combination of female and male; or
(c) neither female nor male.

The report is available for upload via the following link:

I would like to acknowledge and thank the Victorian Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby, the LGBTI Health Alliance, Organisation Intersex International and the AIS Support Group Australia for their work on this Bill.

Engagement Announcement! – 14 February 2013

I am pleased to announce I proposed to my girlfriend, Manja Sommeling, on Valentine’s Day 2013 and she accepted. We’re looking forward to moving into our new home in Hobsons Bay this May and building a life together with our family and friends.

On behalf of Manja and I, I thank the hundreds of people that have congratulated us and sent us their kind wishes. It’s nice being able to celebrate this special occasion with so many people, and we’re thrilled so many people are happy for us.

It comes as a surprise to many people that Manja and I are unable to legally marry in Australia because marriage in this country is only for people who are exclusively male or female and in heterosexual relationships. This means we won’t be able to have a wedding with our family and friends around us which I find extremely disappointing.

There are countries that do have marriage equality (including countries in the Commonwealth) so we are likely to get married in one of them despite Australian law not recognising them yet. We hope marriage equality is a reality in Australia in the near future, but we’re not putting our lives on hold until then.

Community Update – 13 Nov 12

Tony Briffa’s Community Update – Local News & Events


Dear local resident,

As you have probably heard, I was re-elected to the Hobsons Bay City Council with a record vote – the highest percentage primary vote of any councillor in Melbourne’s western suburbs. I appreciate your support and promise I will continue to serve our community with the same passion, commitment and integrity I have shown over the last four years. This Community Update contains information about:

– Electronic Waste Recycling Trial (THIS SATURDAY)
– Maori and Polynesian Festival
– Laverton Festival
– Summer Story Time in the Parks and Gardens
– Carols by Candlelight
– 2013 Citizen, Young Citizen and Volunteer Group of the Year Awards
– Pre-budget Community Submissions
– Hard Waste Collections


Free Electronic Waste Recycling Collection (THIS SATURDAY)
Do you have any of the following you need to get rid of in an environmentally friendly way: computers, laptops, monitors, cartridges, cables, printers, scanners, mobile phones, cameras, televisions, video and DVD players, CDs, DVDs, GPS, electronic toys, mixers, toasters, microwaves and heaters?

If so, the council is having another e-waste collection this Saturday, 17th November from 8.00am to 3.00pm at the Hobsons Bay City Council Depot, Sugar Gum Drive, Altona. The service is free for Hobsons Bay residents and bookings are not required. A maximum of two televisions and two computers per vehicle will be accepted.


Maori & Polynesian Festival 2012
A festival celebrating Maori and Polynesian culture featuring Maori performing arts groups, Pacific Island groups, Mixed Culture in Action, Youth “n” Action, “Kidz Corner” and much more!

St Clements Anglican Church (Corner Central Avenue and Skehan Boulevard, Altona Meadows)
Saturday, 24th November 2012
For more information please contact Rev’d Vic Wilson – 0405 655 435


Laverton Festival
Our annual festival in Laverton with free rides, entertainment and stalls!
11am to 4pm, Sunday 25th October
Aviation Road car park, Laverton


Summer Story Times in the Parks and Gardens
Free story time for kids featuring Santa and the Bookends!
Monday 10th December – 6.30pm to 7.15pm – Logan Reserve, Altona
Friday 14th December – 10.30am to 11.15am – Williamstown Botanic Gardens


Christmas Carols

Laverton – Sunday 9th December 7pm to 9pm (Laverton P-12 College)
Newport – Sunday 9th December 7.30pm to 9pm (The Substation, 1 Market St, Newport) – Entry by gold coin donation
Altona – Sunday 16th December 8pm (Logan Reserve – will move to St Mary’s Church if it rains)
Altona Meadows – Saturday 22nd December 6pm (Trafalgar Avenue Community Park, Altona Meadows)
Williamstown – Sunday 23rd December. 6pm – children’s activities, 8pm -carols. (Commonwealth Reserve – will move to Holy Trinity Church if it rains)


2013 Citizen, Young Citizen and Volunteer Group of the Year Awards
Nominations for the Hobsons Bay Citizen of the Year Awards are open, but nominations close on Monday 10th December, so please get your application in! For more information and to access the nomination form, visit the council website.


Pre-Budget Community Submissions
Are you part of a community group that needs funding for a special project or an upgrade? If so, please consider lodging a submission to the council for consideration as part of our next budget. Submissions must be received by 5pm on Monday 31st December. For more information please contact Glenn O’Sullivan on 9932 1000.


Hard Waste Collections
If you have rubbish around the house you need to get rid of now that your spring cleaning is done, why not book in for your free annual hard waste collection? To book your hard waste collection, call the Council on 9932 1000. Collections must be booked by 12.00pm on Friday the week prior to when you would like your hard waste collected, or you can book a collection ahead of time throughout the year.


I hope you’ve found this issue of my Community Update useful. Please feel free to distribute it to your family, friends and relatives, and ask them to send me an email with their contact details if they wish to join my distribution list.



Cr Tony Briffa JP
Councillor, City of Hobsons Bay

PO Box 51, Altona VIC 3018 | 115 Civic Parade, Altona VIC 3018 | T: (03) 9932 1044 (bh) | E: | W: | W:

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NOTE: This Community Update is not official council correspondence and council resources were not used to create and/or distribute it. To receive the Community Update directly from Cr Tony Briffa, send an email with your full contact details (name, address, phone number and email address) to If you no longer wish to receive the Community Update, please send Tony an email with “UnsubscribeCommunity Update” in the subject line.